Saturday, August 30, 2008

Our Weekend

We had a nice time together this weekend. During dinner at Texas Roadhouse, Ty was starting to get tired and fussy. We had tried all the usual tricks and they weren't working. So Dennis got the idea to give him a dinner roll. Ty enjoyed it thoroughly. Although he didn't really eat any of it, he gnawed on it until it was soggy. I guess that was his first "real" food.

After dinner, and Ty's nap, we went out shopping for our nephew's birthday present. While at Toys 'R Us we saw that the Tickle Me Elmo was on clearance for $15. We had to get it for Ty. In all honesty though, we get more of a kick out of it.

Then my wonderful parents watched Ty for us, so Dennis & I could ride the motorcycle downtown to watch the SkyConcert Fireworks.


Jodi said...

I haven't been to skyconcert in forever! I love it!

Ty is getting so big! Good thinking Dennis, with the roll!! :o) Ali's big into Elmo now. She nad NEVER even seen an elmo movie or show, but sure knew who elmo was! So, we got her an Elmo and an Elmo's World movie this weekend. It's her new big thing.

Meggan said...

We got Molly the same Elmo and she is so scared of it. She cries and crawls away every time we turn it on. We should've just given ours to you!!!