We bought the 32 lb car seat, but with the bulky winter coat and the straps as loose as they'll go, he's still too snug. So we got the okay to switch to a convertible car seat, rear-facing of course. We also mentioned to her that Ty is not a fan of baby food. She said it's fine to just feed him whatever he'll eat, within reason and obviously not the big no-no's like nuts & honey. I've heard a few people say that it will be easier now that he's not on baby food. I'm thinking it's easier just to grab a jar and nook it, but I could be wrong.
Ty's favorite pass time these days is holding our hands and walking EVERYWHERE. He's still not too sure about it if we let go of one hand. But just the other night my dad had him standing for a few seconds by himself. It won't be long! That's scary. Crawling is one thing, but walking!? Not to mention that his birthday is only 3 months away. Where does the time go?
These check up appointments are nice though. One thing I never realized as parents is how much I would 2nd guess every decision. I constantly wonder if I'm doing the right thing. At least with these periodic check ups, I can be reassured he's on the right path.
Oh just look at that handsome little man! Happy 9 months Ty-Ty!
Wow, he's got his dad's chin alright :o) He looks so much older in this picture!
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